Thursday, 29 December 2011

The Very Extra Special Tree

This was Emily's present from the kids and me for Christmas. Max (nearly 4) and Daisy ( nearish 2) illustrated it, I edited and came up with the story from stuff the kids said... and Max named the characters.

Pumpkin Bumpkin and Turkey Burkey are the best of friends.

One day they came across a monster who needed a break from guarding an egg.

Pumpkin Bumpkin and Turkey Burkey agreed to watch the very large egg for him.

The egg cracked open and a Christmas fairy burst out.

"My name is Lairy Fairy and you must help me find the Very Extra Special Tree,".

The pair agreed and set off right away.

They crossed the badlands of Nononono....

And found a castle.

"My name is Ghost Bhost and what do you want?".

The trio explained about the V.E.S.T and how it was very important to find it.

"You're in luck," said Ghost Bhost. "I saw it come through here last Tuesday with some pirate friends of mine,".

"I'll help and take you to them!".

They travelled under the Pebutter and Mamite sky...

Until they reached the docks.

The pirates were more then happy to help.

They sailed towards Beebee island to rescue the V.E.S.T from T-Rex, who bought it from the pirates last Thursday.

On the island the foursome ran into a herd of upside down sabor tooth tigers.

They explained to the herd about the V.E.S.T.

"You want T-Rex's castle then," said one of the beasts.

"You walk straight ahead till you see the vortex of certain doom...

"and all you need to do is jump into it!".

So the foursome made their way to the vortex...

and leaped in...

and were flung out the other side in front of T-Rex's castle.

They asked T-Rex to give back the V.E.S.T.

"Never!" growled T-Rex.

"I'll eat you up instead and grind your bones into dust,".

Suddenly Lairy Fairy split in two and became...

Mega Lairy Fairy!

and he stomped T-Rex into a pancake.

Mega Lairy Fairy then flew his friends and the V.E.S.T to the north pole.
They arrived safely at Santa's house.

"Thank you for returning the Very Extra Special Tree in time for Christmas", said Santa.

Then they broke out into spontaneous dance!

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